Friday, September 5, 2008

The party's energized all right

The news outlets can't stop saying it. Sarah Palin, the Republican Party's vice presidential nominee, has "energized" the conservative base of the Republican Party. The line's been parroted to the point of becoming cliche.

Okay. Someone has to throw a robe onto the ol' Emperor, so it may as well be me.

Palin (right) is a young, vibrant and virtually unknown hard-line right-winger who oh-by-the-way happened to finish second in the 1984 Miss Alaska beauty pageant. In the realm of presidential politics, she is jaw-unhinging gorgeous to say the least, clearly capable of lifting a senator's spirits, among other things.

The conservative base of the GOP is a group of predominantly balding white men approaching their silver years (below).

So Princess Viagra has "energized" a group of predominantly balding white men approaching their silver years? Ummmmmmm... I'll bet she has.