Thursday, April 3, 2008

I'm not saying... I'm just saying

Tid-bits too short to live as their own posts, yet need be said...

o Okay, so this McCain guy is really starting to creep me out. It's not the age thing, the pro-war thing, the Keating Five thing, the melanoma thing, the "lobbyists" he rolls with thing or even the I-still-need-to-be-educated-about-the-economy thing. It's his complete inability to flow with anything off a teleprompter. When he speaks he does that thing where he's looking toward you, somewhere in your general vacinity, but not directly at you. So it comes off like he's either perpetually aloof--not the ideal impression a 70-something presidential nominee should create--or fixated on the guy sneaking up behind you with a 12-inch cleaver in his hand. Either way, I don't think I can handle six more months of it.

o It's not that Hillary Clinton is cold and disingenuous. It's just... well, let's just say if you see her crying at a funeral, it's more likely the result of locking her keys in her car.

o While Clinton and McCain camps whine away about "unfair treatment", the media continues its open season on Obama--despite the slim pickins they have to work with. This past week, the Illinois senator was blasted for candidly referring to the response of the "typical white person" upon seeing African Americans on the street. Right-wing pundits used this as evidence of his latent hatred of white Americans. The mainstream outlets did what has become their wont: "innocently" float it out, ostensibly to "let you decide". Not acknowledging that the very credibility they give ridiculous stories like this one legitimizes them, thereby helping make up the public's mind for them. In all the coverage of this "atrocity", not once have the talking heads mentioned that one tiny piece of critical information... BARACK OBAMA IS WHITE! Bi-racial, technically, but he's as white as he is black. And if he's permitted to speak on behalf of the black man, so should he be allowed to speak for Caucasians. So tell them where they can stick their domo arigato, Mr. Mulato!

o Not only do the Clinton minions continually support her claim of "winning the big states" by including Florida and Michigan--states that just last October she proclaimed "do not count"--but they also falsely include Texas. According to numbers, Obama took 99 elected delegates from the Lone Star State, while Hillary gained just 94. In other words, despite her receiving 100,000 more votes (and a 51-47% advantage), the former First Lady lost where it mattered most: the almighty delegate. And we don't even know the extent of Obama's landslide win in the Texas caucus, where he currently leads 56-44%.

o All told, the Clintons falsely claim FIVE state primaries among their conquests: New Hampshire (widely accepted as her first "comeback" win, yet she and Obama actually tied with 9 delegates apiece); Nevada (despite Hillary's 51-45% advantage in the popular vote, Barack received 13 delegates to her 12); Florida (see above comment); Michigan (see above, noting that all other major candidates had removed their names from the Democratic side of the ballot); and Texas (Obama earned 5 more delegates in the state primary, and will also enjoy a sizeable caucus win once the final numbers are announced). So why do these false claims barely get a challenge from the media? Hmm???

o "BIG MO" UPDATE: It's April 3rd, and as of today Hillary's "I've still got it!" March primary comeback is as follows (according to the Election 2000 page):

Ohio = Clinton 75, Obama 66
Texas = Obama 99, Clinton 94
Texas caucus = Obama 56%, Clinton 44% (41% reporting; final results due very soon)
Vermont = Obama 9, Clinton 6
Rhode Island = Clinton 13, Obama 8

This collossal turnaround the media keep telling us about, officially amounts to two wins, three losses and a net gain of six delegates. And once the final numbers are in from the Texas caucus, even those may be gone.

o Every time I hear yet another outspoken Republican do the now-tired "Senator Osama...oops...I mean" bit, I can't help but wonder how their president justifies having a commander of American troops in Iraq by the name of General Betray Us.
Oops...I mean...

o Word is out about a new network reality show in the works. It involves regular people just like you and me, yet faced with a responsibility one wouldn't wish on his worst enemy. It's called "The Next Super Delegate"! You think Donald Trump is intimidating? Wait till you endure the terror of a 3:00 a.m. call--coming from a former President's red phone! Being on the business end of relentless verbal tirades vile enough to make Chef Ramsay blush, contestants test the limits of human endurance as they attempt to do the impossible: REPRESENT THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE! It's the mother of all fear factors! And too much for me to bear. All things being the same, I'll stick to my bowl of crickets and eyeballs please.