Sunday, March 2, 2008

"I Promise You The Most Ethical Blog EVER" (...the first of many broken promises)

Everybody remembers their first beer. The first time they tried cigarettes. That first adult-rated movie. But do we remember that first moment we got sucked into the vortex that is American politics? It's just as addictive, every bit the personality-altering vice that tears friends and families apart. And in the end, it leaves you far worse for the experience. It's like a drug, but without the high.

So I was minding my own business, creating television commercials, writing web site copy, posting on my sports blog and helping my autistic teenager cope with middle school. Then I overheard a CNN report on some element of the upcoming primaries. And I found myself scribbling down an opinion on a sheet of lined paper, typing blank notes on my desktop, finding message boards to blow out unproductive viewpoints to an electronic audience of anonymous "you suck!" responses (sheesh, like I didn't know that already). I had to be honest with myself: it's time I create a forum on the off chance someone may find merit in my words. Even if that someone is merely myself.

Too much is going on in this already-historic race for the White House, too many points are being missed here and someone needs to voice them. So as of today I've officially turned off my 'mute' button. Move over, Mrs. Clinton. I think I found my voice, too! (I'm even welling up as I type this...)

I hope you enjoy my words, and I hope I don't offend. But I'm sure that someone out there is bound to take issue with one of my takes. Please remember, it's only politics. Nothing more. And even the best candidate out there will soon end up a corrupt, waffling, fillibustering, filandering, hypocritical tax-and-spend liberal commie neo-fascist conservative who doesn't care about our nation's safety, environment, global warming, stem-cell research, the sanctity of life enough to get out of our reproductive systems and save our planet, end the war, create jobs and just plain care about me.

Okay, there. I think I touched on everything.