Sunday, October 21, 2012

Strike copyrights off the list of the uninfringed

The widely recognizable "New Day" symbol used by Barack Obama in his successful 2008 presidential campaign revolutionized the use of logos as powerful and indelible political icons. Which brings us to Mitt Romney's 2012 campaign "Believe In America" campaign messaging. And the chilling symbolism therein.

Not only is it a direct rip-off of the Romika Shoes logo (below)--a likeness so uncanny it must have been used as the campaign's "inspiration." But it also suggests a level of defiance in the Romney camp, to proceed with a design so strikingly similar, knowing--almost challenging--Romika to do something about it. In fact, Romney and Romika fall so closely together alphabetically that the plagiarism is almost shocking in its blatancy and lack of calculation--the political equivalent of the dumb jock copying off the smart kid during an essay test--and as such, could be divulged through a basic corporate logo search.

The fact that Romika Shoes GmbH happens to be a German shoemaker flies in the face of Team Romney's "Believe In America" promise as well. It seems more consistent with the carniverously anti-nationalist nature of his rise to corporate riches through the Bain chop-shop business model: leveraged buyouts; forcing newly owned companies into debt, massive job losses or bankrupcy; and selling them for parts overseas. Whoever and wherever the buyer is matters not. [On a side note, it's worth reminding everyone that Mitt attended the same prep school as Ivan Boesky; whether it's irony, coincidence or something more is another matter.]

Deeper still, it says that while Romney claims to believe in the talents and abilities of Americans, he prefers borrowing very heavily (to put it mildly) from the design of a European manufacturer for their very own campaign symbol without a second thought. What does this say about his opinions of, say, the arts? Of intellectual property? Of individual ownership in general? Or the skills of the American workforce as a whole?

Many psychologists posit that criminals, adulterers and others engaged in immoral or illegal acts behave as overtly as they do because deep down, they want to get caught. From his verbally professed disdain of 47% of the voting public to this apparent display of copyright theft, Romney seems to be doing everything but confessing.

I understand that the contraversy emerged back when Team Romney officially unveiled their campaign logo. But as can see, its underlying significance is increasingly relevant as Election Day nears. So for anyone eager to dismiss this with the "old news" block: sorry to ruin it for you, buddy.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

No cause for applause

The following topics generated cheers during Mitt Romney’s acceptance speech Thursday night at the Republican National Convention:

Paul Ryan.
Paul Ryan’s love for his mom.
Romney’s iPod playlist.
Freedom to build one’s business.
The America we deserve.
Us (for taking two jobs after being laid off).
Romney’s wish that Obama had succeeded. Something “we’ll do” (this November).
Our country (because it deserves better).
The spirit that led us to walk on the moon.
The greatest country in the history of the world.
Neil Armstrong.
Americans (who do the really big stuff).
Mothers and fathers.
The world (if all children could fall asleep loved).
Mitt’s father’s local florist.
The female speakers at the convention.
Mothers and fathers who love their children.
The importance of Ann Romney’s job.
Ann’s success at anything she would have done.
Our communities.
America's lack of excitement in President Obama.
Obama’s poor performance.
Obama’s lack of business experience.
Bain Capital.
Romney’s fear of going to hell (for losing a church’s investment).
Rich, retired Episcopal priests.
The Sports Authority.
Bright Horizons.
Steel Dynamics.
Obama’s “attack on success.
Steve Jobs.
The free enterprise system.
Incumbant presidents except Obama and Jimmy Carter.
“Turning the page” on Obama.
What can be.
The “promise of America.”
People who don’t give up on America.
Lots of jobs.
Jobs eliminated by Obama’s taxes on small business.
Obama sending jobs to China. (I know.)
The future being worse under Obama.
Romney’s promises of a bright future.
The following promises:
-To create 12 million jobs. (The promise of a plan.)
-To invest in North America’s current fuel sources.
-To offer job skill training for citizens.
-To cut the deficit.
-To put America “on a path” to a balanced budget.
-To repeal Obamacare.
-To not raise taxes on the middle class.
-To proect “the sanctity of life.”
-To honor the institution of marriage.
-To defend our freedom of religion.
Obama’s pledges to save the oceans and the planet.
Romney’s pledge to help families.
Our freeing nations from dictators.
Osama bin Laden's death.
The ineffectiveness of just talking with Iran.
Increased “loyalty” to our allies.
Increased “backbone” to confront Putin.
The return of bipartisan foreign policy.
The demographic-less names on war memorials.
The “united” part of USA.
A better economy, more jobs and more innovation.
A brighter future for children.
A strong military.
The rights given by our Creator and the Constitution.
The future, which is “our destiny.”

What didn’t get applause:

Our nation’s troops.
The middle class.
Any specifics involving Romney’s plan.
The promise of "a united America that cares for the poor, the sick, the elderly and those in need.:

(Romney did say that last one--in fact, it was written to be an applause point--yet all it generated, however, was silence.)